

Banteay Meanchey Quality of Education Support Team: a group regrouping 17 NGOs with main goal main to improve the quality of education in partnership with the provincial Department of Education Youth and Sports.

Border Issue Group on Children: a group containing NGOs working with Thai and Cambodian authorities for the protection of children at the border.

Border Victims Support Team: a cross-border joint outreach team consisting of Cambodian and Thai NGO.

Cambodia’s Street Children Network

CYTI Alliance: an international network of NGOS, coordinated by Friends International, committed to protecting children.

COSECAM Coalition to Address (the sexual) Exploitation of Children in Cambodia: a network including 24 NGOS which aims to advocate for improvements and working to assist children in need.

Disability Action Council: a national coordination and advisory body on disability to the Royal Government of Cambodia. It provides recommendations for the rights of persons with disabilities in Cambodia.

Goutte d’eau – a child support network: A Swiss NGO supporting Cambodian NGOs working with vulnerable and a young adult with disabilities marginalized street children, as well as children and young adults with disabilities. The main objectives of GEcsn is to transfer knowledge to its partners and to give them technical and financial support.

NEP for non-government education: promotes active collaboration between NGOs working in education and advocates on behalf of its member organizations in policy meetings and discussions with the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports.