
Hygiene Awareness Support

The Covid-19 pandemic created many new challenges for Damnok Toek. Cambodia has a fragile and rudimentary health care system so our team worked in collaboration with government officials to provide educational materials and hygienic supplies to vulnerable communities. These populations often live in unhygienic conditions and lack access to specialised healthcare services. Therefore, to prevent a massive, potentially detrimental spread of the virus among vulnerable communities, our outreach team and clinicians conducted regular visits to provide masks, hand sanitisers, and food. In addition, they held awareness and education sessions to teach communities about virus prevention techniques such as proper handwashing and social distancing.

Collaborative healthcare education and material support efforts were ultimately successful and Cambodia was spared the catastrophic infection and death rates as was initially feared. With a current two-dose vaccination rate of 91%, the Cambodian government has now shifted the focus to achieving herd immunity and is committed to reopening all sectors of the country. 

For Damnok Toek, this has meant a reopening of schools and an easing of travel restrictions, which has made our outreach efforts significantly easier and more efficient. We still conduct regular community visits to ensure people are receiving their vaccinations and have the necessary hygiene supplies. Our programs are following government regulations regarding social distancing and the wearing of masks.